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Jermita Dickerson

Through It All, Giving Thanks

This process has been life changing thus far. God is certainly doing a thing in me. As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, God has been speaking to my heart in a new way. I have, no doubt, experienced extreme hardship in my life. One would ask, “How did you make it through?” My answer will always be “GOD”. It’s just that simple. I have always wondered why so much had to happen to me. But, God says “Why not you?”. He reminds me that I have a testimony! Look how far I’ve come! His promise is that He will take care of me, and He definitely has!

Although it is a rough journey, I am thankful, nonetheless, as I am blessed to be able to tell my story. God has equipped me with his armor to come through unscathed and thriving. Thank you Lord! I have forgiven myself and those who have caused me pain, I have rid myself of the burden of guilt that I carried for so long. Moving forward, I will share my testimony and release all that has weighed me down, but with a grateful heart, because, I MADE IT, I’M MAKING IT, AND I WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE IT THROUGH!!!

I know there are so many of us that have endured struggle and felt like giving up. Let me remind you that you are still here! To God be the glory! Your story is still being written. Embrace your truth and pray for peace that surpasses all understanding; the kind of peace within you that makes others wonder how you are able to sustain and maintain your strength through all you’ve endured. God is the only one who can give you that peace! Trust Him: thank Him for all he has brought you through to date and remember he will never put more on you than you can bear. God will make a way! He will bring you through so that you may share with others His grace and mercy.

So, on this day, I am giving God the thanks and praise he deserves. He will always get the glory out of my life. I am a living testimony that He will reach down in the trenches and bring you out! I know I couldn’t have made it this far without Him and I am confident that He will never leave me. When I take a look back at how far I’ve come, I’m blessed! GOD IS AWESOME!!! He is nothing short of AMAZING! Let him in y’all, He will change your life. He knew my story before it began, and he also knew that I would get through it all. Thank you Lord!

Psalms 9:1-2

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;

I will tell of all Your marvelous works.

I will be glad and rejoice in You;

I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High


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Nov 23, 2020

Yasssss Sis ..Praise God 🙌🏾

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